A pleasant rest

The Princes Highway upgrade from Gerringong to Bomaderry presented an opportunity for Roads and Maritime Services (now Transport for NSW) to interpret local Aboriginal cultural heritage. Transport for NSW chose the Mount Pleasant Rest area at Gerringong as the place to install Aboriginal interpretive signage. Here travellers can stop, refresh and immerse themselves in an ancient cultural landscape. Transport for NSW consulted the local Aboriginal community as per the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Requirements 2010.


Transport for NSW engaged Artefact who had extensive experience in Aboriginal community consultation and heritage interpretation to prepare the Heritage Interpretation Plan and develop and design the roadside interpretive panels. They engaged Artefact to meet with Aboriginal community representatives, who guided our understanding about local beliefs, stories and practices. The Heritage Interpretation Plan brought this rich cultural heritage to life and then embedded it on Country via site-specific interpretive signage.

Transport for NSW then engaged local Aboriginal Artist Jodie Stewart to paint her Aboriginal designs on the legs of the interpretive signs to be install at Mount Pleasant. 


The project was a success at engaging local Aboriginal communities and giving travellers an opportunity to learn about the Aboriginal history of the area.

During the developing of the Mount Pleasant Rest area signs Transport for NSW was approached by Red Room Poetry to discuss opportunities for their Aboriginal Language Program with local Illawarra School Children to be interpreted on signs. Transport for NSW and Artefact assisted with the development and design of the Dharawal Language signs and these were installed at the Nungarry Rest Stop South Bound on the Princes Highway by Transport for NSW in 2021.

Image credit: Transport for NSW

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