The heart of the village

Stanmore Station in Sydney’s Inner West was recently upgraded as part of the NSW Government’s Transport Access Program - providing a better experience for public transport customers by delivering accessible, modern, secure and integrated transport infrastructure where it is needed most.

Artefact worked with DesignInc and Haslin to develop a Heritage Interpretation Plan for the project.

Image: Stanmore Station 1910s. (Australian Railway Historical Society).


Stanmore Station, built in the 1880s, is an excellent example of a late 19th century style of suburban railway architecture. Despite various additions, including an underground subway in the 1920 and some modifications during the mid-1900s, the station and its associated buildings have remained largely the same for over 100 years.

The Heritage Interpretation Plan focused on telling three key stories:

  • Mura (tracks) - Aboriginal people have cared for Country in the Stanmore area for tens of thousands of years, and Stanmore Road traces a natural ridgeline used to travel through Country. Artefact worked with artist Maddison Gibbs, a proud Gunu Baakandji woman with links to the local area, to develop artworks for the new lift foyers which focused on Ancient Highways weaving Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal histories together.
  • The heart of the village - the station lies at the geographical heart of Stanmore and has been a source of community pride and activism for nearly 150 years.
  • Railway architecture – Established in 1879, the architecture at Stanmore is a fine example of a ‘second class’ suburban railway station of the period.
“Not only have Artefact been professional and personable through the last year, but have assisted with leading the way on heritage interpretation matters and providing guidance throughout the design process. The quality of output was fantastic and met all stakeholder expectations, while the constant level of professionalism was a strength from the beginning with the team’s ability to meet tight deadlines an asset to the design and construction programs.”

Chris Paunescu

Design Manager, Haslin


Artefact’s Heritage Interpretation Plan resulted in two beautiful artworks in the new lift foyers and a series of wall features and interpretive panels outlining the history of the station and the heritage of the Aboriginal people of the area. These elements added to the community’s positive experience of the upgraded station. 

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Image: Artwork by Maddison Gibbs on the station's new lift foyers are focused on Ancient Highways.


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