I am a Principal with expertise in Aboriginal and historical archaeology. I have experience in historical research, fieldwork techniques, survey and excavation, and have worked on a number of sites in Western Australia and Sydney including being Artefact project manager for the CBD and South East Light Rail (CSELR) project. I have 6 years’ professional experience including substantial fieldwork and management experience in excavation, archaeological monitoring and survey and historical research. I have undertaken project management for a range of archaeological programs including for large infrastructure projects such as CSELR. I also have diverse experience of preparing a range of reports including Aboriginal and historical (non-Aboriginal) archaeological assessments, heritage impact statements, built heritage assessments and post-excavation reports.



I have always been interested in history and, having grown up on a farm, I also enjoy a more hands-on-approach. This has not only lead to my love for archaeology but also the enjoyment of day to day problem solving that comes with being a heritage consultant.

Working as a heritage consultant provides me with opportunities to engage with various stakeholders on a number of interesting sites to help manage our social and cultural heritage. I have had the privilege to excavate at sites listed on the World Heritage List, and my love of archaeology has also seen me spend my holidays excavating in Italy and the UK.


My artefacts are sheep tags from my family farm in Western Australia where I grew up and where my family still lives. Life on the farm has influenced who I am today.

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