A cultural focal point

The NSW Government saw an opportunity to transform Wharf 4/5 and Pier 2/3 in Walsh Bay into a state-of-the-art Arts Precinct for making, performing and experiencing theatre, dance and music right on Sydney’s most iconic waterfront.

As part of the project, Artefact was engaged by Create NSW to develop a Heritage Interpretation Plan and resulting interpretive media that addressed the Aboriginal heritage and maritime history of the area, in consultation with key Aboriginal stakeholders and long-term tenants.


As the project involved updating the facilities of nine of Australia’s leading performing arts organisations, including the Sydney Theatre Company, Bangarra Dance Theatre and the Australian Chamber Orchestra, it was critical that our approach was varied and reflected the creative spirit of the area.

A series of workshops were held with traditional knowledge holders, representatives from the performing arts companies, artists and other tenants.

From this process, together with historical research and discussions with the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council, Artefact presented a range of possible interpretative options to the client including installations, entrance experiences; public programming, interpretive signage, and heritage videos.

“The design of Walsh Bay Arts Precinct significantly enhances the future of the 9 resident arts companies. The state-of-the-art rehearsal, participation, workshop, costume, office, hospitality, and performance facilities makes the most of the stunning location to inspire artists and staff. The technical design allows greater artistic ambition benefitting artists and audiences.”
2022 National Architecture Awards Citation


Artefact worked with TZG Architects and Art of Multimedia to develop the detailed interpretive elements at the site including videos, wall elements, interpretive panels, installations, dioramas, and re-use of moveable heritage items.

Three short videos now play on digital screens at various locations throughout the precinct exploring the story of Aboriginal woman Patyegarang and colonist William Dawes, the importance of Bāˌdo (water), and the working industrial history of the wharves.

All interpretive elements explore the theme of ‘place’ - where culture and stories have long been shared and which continues today in this performing arts hub.

The Walsh Bay Arts Precinct project was a winner in the National Trust Heritage Awards ‘Adaptive Re-Use’ category in 2022.

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