I'm a Heritage Consultant in the Built Environment team at Artefact.

Along with my teammates, I research and write reports that are designed to help readers understand the past, and make informed decisions in regards to their projects and developments. In this way, I hope to assist in protecting our shared built heritage for future generations to appreciate.



My background is based in historical archaeology, particularly in the realm of Classical and Near Eastern studies; recently I expanded my horizons by engaging in the field of museum and heritage studies as a means of exploring the relationships that arise between past and present communities.

I'm a passionate communicator and scholar of the humanities and possess an ongoing interest in the past.

My goal is to help connect history to the present by examining the links between our built heritage and our present-day reality, and to safeguard historical fabric with which future generations can engage.


This unassuming-looking lump of charcoal has an illustrious past.

It is nearly 2,000 years old, the vestiges of an ancient Roman throne made of wood and ivory that was found buried in the ruins the Villa of the Papyri in Herculaneum.

It had been almost completely carbonised in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE; this particular piece travelled from the Naples region in Italy to Ottawa, Canada, where it underwent analysis by government scientists as part of a scientific and cultural exchange program.

Amazingly, after testing, no one claimed ownership of the sample, and so it eventually made its way to me, the son of one of the scientists' colleagues, who had by then begun his journey in the world of archaeology.

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