
I have over 15 years of experience collecting, manipulating, and presenting a variety of geospatial data for public and private development projects throughout the United States.  I feel the clear presentation of data in a spatial context adds an additional level of clarity to its interpretation.  As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.  Being the GIS Officer at Artefact gives me the privilege of organizing and presenting all the incredibly interesting data that this talented team collects.



When I was young my family had a subscription to National Geographic magazine.  I started saving maps included with the issues when I was about 8 years old and my interest in them, the information they contain, and the way they’re designed, has never waned. I could spend hours talking about maps and the way they’ve helped document the world’s history.  I’ve always been a history and science buff and believe a well-designed map helps tell those stories. 


This artefact has a special space in my kitchen all to it’s own.  My wife gave me this mortar and pestle which I use for grinding spices and making curry pastes and molé.  The thing I love about a mortar and pestle is that it’s a perfect tool that does exactly what it needs to do and hasn’t changed in over 35,000 years. 

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