St Albans icon

St Albans Bridge, over the course of its lifetime, has been subject to flood damage and ongoing use-driven degradation requiring conservation works to maintain the visual and functional integrity of the State Heritage listed bridge.

Artefact was engaged to assess the significant features of the bridge and provide ongoing heritage advice and a Statement of Heritage Impact (SoHI) to mitigate potential damage during the conservation works being carried out on St Albans Bridge and support required Heritage Council applications.


Historical records identified the materials used in construction of St Albans Bridge (constructed between 1901 and 1903) and additional information relating to other works done to the bridge over the past 120 years. With this knowledge, Artefact surveyed the site to evaluate the current state of the bridge and the planned conservation works of:

  • Surface cleaning and repainting of exposed wrought iron
  • Removal and replacement of water damaged decking laminates
  • Resealing of the road deck and addition of gap cover plates
  • Pier rehabilitation works
  • Reinstatement of sandstone abutment blocks

Evaluation of the bridge and its surroundings demonstrated the impact of years of flooding, erosion, and the necessity for conservation works as a means of maintaining the use and historic features of St Albans Bridge.

“NSW has a precious and diminishing built heritage resource in its historic timber truss road and rail bridges. Artefact is proud of our involvement in several projects, including the St Albans Bridge, that have repaired and maintained these iconic structures, so that they retain their utility as essential infrastructure links and their cultural values.”

Scott MacArthur
Principal - Built Environment


Our assessment of the bridge allowed for the identification of risks and key features of the bridge to ensure their preservation during the conservation works. Delivery of this assessment met the requirements to support a s60 application with the Heritage Council of NSW, allowing for the works to begin on the conservation of St Albans Bridge.

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