Under the floorboards

Established in the late 1700s, Bella Vista is an intact historic farm complex of cultural significance to the nation. The Fitzgerald’s Cottage or coach house needed some flooring repairs which required the removal and replacement of existing flooring while pretecting any underlying archaeology. The Hills Shire Council wanted to retain the heritage character of the building but they needed to make the floor safe.


Because of the possibility of there being archaeological finds under the floorboards, The Hills Shire Council asked Artefact to carry out a Historical Archaeological Impact Assessment and Research Design to NSW Heritage guidelines. Artefact presented an option for the archaeological monitoring and salvage program, which would allow for the removal and analysis of any deposits and artefacts if found. Another option for repairing the floorboards avoided excavation and Artefact were asked to provide recommendations to protect sensitive archaeology during works.


Ultimately the s57 exemption certificate was achieved and special care was taken during the works to protect underlying archaeology. The coach house has been transformed, while being in keeping with the historic look and feel of this beautiful old house.

But don’t take our word for it – pop along and see for yourself! The farm holds regular open days – see the Bella Vista Farm website for details.

Image credits: Bella Vista Historic Photograph Collection, The Hills Shire Council.


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