What’s in Store?

UrbanGrowth NSW purchased the former Newcastle and Suburban Co-operative Society Limited, known to generations of locals as ‘The Store’. Located in Wickham, Newcastle, UrbanGrowth’s plan was develop this historic site into a multi-million-dollar precinct and transport interchange. Accomplishing this goal in the centre of one of Australia’s most historic cities required thoughtful assessment of both Aboriginal and historical heritage.


As overall project managers, GHD Group commissioned Artefact to produce a suite of integrated heritage assessments. These included a statement of heritage impact, an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report, an Aboriginal archaeological survey report, a salvage strategy and a Heritage Interpretation Strategy. The most exciting initiative came when Artefact was commissioned to develop content for interpretation elements including reinstatement of salvaged elements, art pieces, interpretive seating and pathways and an online oral history project to gather stories about The Store from the local community.


Design and construction for the site was awarded to Doma Group, whose plans included office towers, a carpark, commercial and public spaces, plus a major bus interchange.

Artefact partnered with the designers to develop the interpretive elements in plazas and foyers and with the University of Newcastle to deliver The Store Oral History Project. The overwhelming community participation and positive responses helped smooth local responses to the development. Newcastle’s new Bus Interchange opened in July 2020, while the commercial building is scheduled for imminent completion.

Image credits: Top - Panorama of transport interchange, Hunter and Central Coast Development Corporation. Left - The Store: Newcastle West Building c1910, accession number 108000010, Newcastle Regional Library.

'Thank you again for the time and effort you put into the Store Oral History Project.  It was a great project and it was (and is) much appreciated by the local community. Carolyn’s passion for this project really shone through.'

Danna MacLeod

Development Project Manager


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