Powering up The Bays

White Bay is a small bay on Port Jackson in Sydney which has an interesting and varied history.

From the 1860s the land was turned into a site for industrial development with access to port facilities. The White Bay Power Station was constructed from 1915 as well as the Glebe Island Grain terminal. Substantial rail facilities were constructed to support bulk movement of wheat and coal. The site was also used for warehousing for the US Army and as a coal export terminal for Port Jackson.

With all of the industry now decommissioned the NSW Government is currently undertaking urban renewal and transformation of the area. Sydney Metro commissioned Artefact to provide a Statement of Heritage Impact examining the potential impact of the new Sydney Metro West rail line.


To ensure a high-quality outcome Artefact assigned in-house industrial heritage expert and experienced excavation director Dr Iain Stuart to the project. Dr Stuart is President of the Royal Australian Historical Society and a serving Board Member of the International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage. He has worked extensively on industrial heritage projects in Australia and around the world. 

Through a series of contracts Artefact was able to apply a multi-disciplinary approach to the project conducting an Environmental Impact Assessment, an Archaeological Research Design and Excavation Methodology and a program of archaeological excavation and monitoring of construction works.


Our work determined that construction of the new Sydney Metro rail line would have little to minor impact on the industrial heritage items on the site including the White Bay Power Station, the Glebe Island Silos, White Bay Power Station Inlet Canal, the Glebe Island Dyke Exposures, as well as the Locomotive roundhouse and 70ft turntable.

Our advice allowed construction to continue.

The White Bay Power Station is now being reinvented as a centre of cultural activity, the new Metro Station is being built, and a new harbourside park, commercial precinct and public open spaces are being developed.

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Top image: White Bay Power House 1925, State Archives Collection, Museum of History, Government Printing Office.

Bottom image: Artists vision of the new Bays Precinct (West). NSW Department of Planning and Environment.


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