Aboriginal Heritage Impact Assessments now required for most DAs in Woollahra

Artefact's team of professionals can help provide Due Diligence reports and Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Reports (ACHARs) to complete your DA. We have carried out recent projects in the Woollahra LGA including Rose Bay, Watsons Bay, Double Bay and Bellevue Hill.

Reports are prepared by our qualified Aboriginal Heritage Consultants who have close working relationship with the La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council who team with us on these assessments as required by Council. 


In July 2019 Woollahra Municipal Council endorsed the Woollahra Aboriginal Heritage Study which included a strategy to manage Aboriginal heritage during the development process. As a result, the Woollahra DA Guide was updated to include Attachment 10: Aboriginal Heritage Impact Assessment. Attachment 10 is required for:

All applications, amended plans or Section 4.55 applications that are located in:

  • Areas partly or wholly classified as an area of Aboriginal heritage sensitivity
  • Areas partly or wholly classified as an area of potential Aboriginal heritage sensitivity
  • Areas in proximity of registered Aboriginal sites

The following projects may therefore now require an Aboriginal Heritage Impact Assessment:

  • New Dwelling House
  • Swimming Pools
  • Alterations and Additions
  • New Dual Occupancy
  • New Multi/dwelling housing / attached dwelling
  • New Residential flat buildings
  • Mixed use (commercial and residential)
  • Commercial
  • Boarding house
  • Seniors living
  • Childcare centre
  • Change of Use
  • Modification Application
  • And S.8.2 Review application

There are two main types of Aboriginal Heritage Impact Assessment:

The ‘Due Diligence’ report determines whether an Aboriginal object will be harmed by an activity, whether further investigation is needed, and whether the application requires an Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit. A Due Diligence assessment will involve a site visit, usually with a representative of the La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council, a register search to identify Aboriginal sites within the property or nearby, and an assessment of Aboriginal heritage values for the property. The Due Diligence report is the first step in the process and is often all that is needed to support a DA.

The ‘Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report (ACHAR)’ is a more in-depth investigation and assessment, which recommends actions to be taken before, during and after an activity to manage and protect any Aboriginal objects and declared Aboriginal Places. An ACHAR is required if Aboriginal heritage values are to be impacted and would support an application for an Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit.

Attachment 10: Aboriginal Heritage Impact Assessment also specified that these reports should be prepared ‘by suitably qualified Aboriginal heritage consultants’, and so if you think you will need a Due Diligence or ACHAR for your project then Artefact are here to assist.

How we can help 

We Can Help

Artefact offers ‘best practice’ cultural heritage management advice and has over 12 years experience in cultural heritage management. We have strong relationships with local Aboriginal community groups to ensure that we can facilitate an outstanding heritage outcome.

We are known for our pragmatic approach to heritage management and our customer service focus.

Artefact has completed Due Diligences and ACHARs as well as other Aboriginal heritage assessments throughout Sydney and NSW. Our clients include architects, development and construction companies, LGAs, State Agencies and private individuals.

Our team of heritage professionals skilled in this area are:

Dr Sandra Wallace (Managing Director)

Josh Symons (Technical Director) 

Ryan Tadeucci (Aboriginal Heritage Team Leader)

Kelly Barton (Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Officer)

Michael Lever (Heritage Consultant)

Please contact us to discuss your next architecture project to see how we can assist you with the Aboriginal heritage assessments.


Suite 56, Jones Bay Wharf 26-32 Pirrama Road, PYRMONT NSW 2009

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